Cora Prells's first job as a saloon girl is short lived. At the Golden Horn Saloon in Wichita,she refuses to drink with Jesse Price and others and quits. Cora's working at Mr. Ross' general store. Jesse asks her for a drink, she refuses. Joe Simms tries to manhandle Kitty. Quint intervenes. Joe wings Quint. Sam knocks the gun out of Simms' hand. Quint cleans Simms' clock. Tom King gets a date with Cora. They marry. Tom introduces Cora to his uncle, Jesse Price. Jesse sent Tom in to meet Cora. Simms tells Cora was a saloon girl. Simms wants to tell that to Tom. Jesse says you better not. Sam overhears this. Jesse feigns being sick and says he's going home. Jesse shoots Simms in the back. Jesse tells Cora he wants her to be his. Matt asks Sam what he overheard. Two yahoos say Quint said he'd kill Simms. Jesse tells Matt Tom is going to kill Simms. Matt tells Cora. Cora tells Tom when he rides up. Tom knew about Cora's past. Cora told Tom Jesse was after her. Jes 2025